Sunday, 14 August 2016

25th October 2015 - After 2 weeks away...

2 weeks ago yesterday was the last time I was at my plot, if you remember it had been my birthday but then I was going to the States with work and because I had an overnight flight, landing on Sunday morning last week I was just too tired to be able to get up to the plot.  I was particularly gutted because I really wanted to get the pond finished to give me time to get some plants in and have it properly established before spring when hopefully it will attract the frogs, newts and other wildlife.  Mr L won't go to the plot unless I'm there (it's my hobby not his, and he doesn't like gardening) so with me away I knew that it wouldn't get done.
The weather forecast for yesterday was grim so I decided that I was going to empty and clean my greenhouse rather than go to the plot and then get myself up there today.  I have to admit that I've neglected the greehouse a bit this year and so it has turned into a bit of a dumping ground for anything that I want up at the plot but not got around to taking up, that got worse when I moved plots and lost my shed so as well as old (and dead) tomatoes and cucumbers there was cardboard, millions of pots, loads of tools and a bit of carpet in there!  Out it all came, into Mr L's shed - much to his disgust - and I scrubed the inside and outside with some soapy water and a sponge.  I took all of the staging out and on Sunday morning I went to the pound shop to buy a brush to clean the roof with; (it felt dangerous to try and lean over and clean it while standing on stepladders).  I then decided that I only wanted to have staging on one side of the greenhouse so that I can grow taller plants more easily.  That done I was set to go up to the plot today.  
In the midst of cleaning on Satruday I had to take Littlest L to her swimming lessons, strangly Mr L decided to come with us telling me that he wanted my opinion on something.  After swimming lessons he drove me up to the allotment, and SURPRISE he'd completed the pond whilst I was away!  I'm soooooo happy; he even remembered to put an escape for any hedgehogs to climb out if they fall in.  All of the stones around the pond he'd foraged from the woods and my old plot. He had to carry them all up the lane, nearly killing himself in the process.  I actually really like that they're not brand new and clean, I think they look as though they've been there for ages which fits better with the setting.
Back up to the plot today and Mr L pointed out that even though we can't now fit 3 compost bins next to the pond, he thought that I could fit three along the top of the plot (even though I had to slightly move the last bed across about 10 inches) and so he turned the original compost bin around and built 2 more next to it.  I then set about emptying one of the 2 compost bins already on the plot but in the wrong place!  The compost in the bin I'm emptying seems to be really good.  There are some nettle roots in it but they're easy enough to move and I've just put them into the original bin (that has new compostable waste in it) to break down.  I've also already started to use some of it to fill in some of the bumps and holes on the plot.  The quality of the compost seems really good so I'm hoping that I'll be able to use it alongside the top soil in my rotation beds as well as for seeds in the spring, which will save me loads!
I'll finish this week by explaining why I was so keen to have 3 compost bins, in case any of you think I'm being strange!  The idea is that the longer you can leave your compost to break down the better so you should have 1 bin that you're filling with new waste, one that's full but breaking down and one that's broken down and ready to use.  I have been told that you can use garden compost after 1 year but the longer you can leave it the better so I'm hopeful that a 3 year rotation will give me the best quality compost.  It's also woth noting that the compost bin that's breaking down is the best one to grow pumpkins in because they seem to like the conditions - this is according to one of my plot neighbours who has had some beauties this year!
Next week littlest L has loads of parties to go to (including her own on Sunday) so again I'm going to have to juggle going to the plot with family stuff.  I was hoping to order lots of top soil to get my beds established now and ready for spring but I think I'm going to order it next week for delivery the week after so that we can hopefully get the last of the compost out of the bin I don't want moved and the last 2 rotation beds built and in place ready for the top soil when it's delivered!
Have a good week everyone, see you soon :-)

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